Vol. 6 No. 01 (2021): European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education

EJPAE is proud to be able to present another issue with important thoughts in the intersection between the arts, education and philosophy. I present to you two interesting articles – both from Norway this time. The north part of Norway is perhaps more knows for snow and ice than for philosophy and art, but that is about to change with this issue of EJPAE.
The first article is by Ola Buan Øien who has explored how concepts developed by Daniel Lanois can be useful in performances through arts based research. The concept investigated are sonic ambience, master station, operating by limitation, locations, preparing and black dubs. In this exploration he has turned inwards and analysed his own compositional process.
The second article discusses the relationship between art and science and is written by Thomas Dillern. By using Leonardo da Vinci as an example, he shows that art and science as human endeavours share some common traits.